Yes. If a spouse is not following a court order regarding child or spousal support a wage garnishment from a divorce can be ordered. In order to do so the party seeking a wage garnishment from a divorce must file a motion to the court requesting a writ to collect support arrearages. The paperwork is […]
Orange County Divorce Attorney
Can I take my kids out of California during a Divorce? Or do the Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders (ATROS) prevent it?
The short answer is that a parent can take a child out of the state of California during a divorce only if the other parent gives written consent or the court issues an order allowing it. This is because the Automatic Temporary Restraining Orders (ATROs) prevent such conduct. Here is the law and why it […]
Can Non Parents Request Child Custody or Visitation Orders for a Child?
Yes. Believe it or not the law is broader in this area then one might think. Child Custody or Visitation is not limited to the natural parents of the child. For example, adoptive Parents, Presumed Parents, and even same sex couples can request custody or visitation. Here is a general overview: Natural Parents A child’s […]